storage format.lp(ant-zen act90 ) Recently
,the forefront label in the the (no need to call it!) industrial scene ,Ant-zen
released the last work of the German-Italian project Klangstabil. Here Mr
Maurizio Blanco -who is the owner of the very respected label MHz
releasing technoise related projects only in limited vinyl versions- and
Mr Boris May offers us a 12” ,that includes 6 compositions with samples taken
from the Nintendo Gameboy.the sounds and sequencing comes straight from this
little machine and for the whole out-come was used a MS20 ,a Vocoder plus varius
effects. Klangstabil ,as some of you
might already know ,like to use elements from the very start of electronic music
and also from basic and simple machines treating them in a way that listening to
them appears very fresh and modern. .ESPLENDOR
This cd represents a recent reissue of
the 1989 lp which was recorded live in utrecht
of Holland in 25/11/89 at "EKKO" cultural centre.So, it's a pleasure
that we're given the chance to have access to this "rare-to-find"
lp,which comes from the establishers of Rhythm-Noise Minimal sound.Since
and forth ,E.G. with their many editions have created ,all around the world,a
fanatic and at the same time dance -oriented audience
for their music.This live is also slipping away from the characterof the
typical live-hits compilation which is very used in nowadays'discography,since
it includes tracks prefacing the studio versions and some others especially
remixed for the occasion.These sounds derive from an intense and creative era of
E.G.retaining all the noise elements and power
characterising their entire musical career.Once again the percussion is
superb.The cd contains 11 tracks;1 & 11 discerning for their techno
brillancies without preventing the rest of the cd to be singularly rhythmical
with the unique way E.G. know how to construct.Track 5 is not Trans-umma but
another re-edit of Rotor. .CONVERTER-Shock
Front (CD-AntZen Act83). Once again mr .S.ALT owner of ANT-ZEN surprises us with his “artistic war” in which he submits almost every group recording within the bounds of the label.Thus,the 1st cd of converter is packaged in a jewelcase which ,instead of the “classic” paper-wrapped pack,encloses 2 metallic bars resulting in an increased-weight cd.The sound is definitely resembling to the packaging.Astoundingly heavy with especially careful reverb and exquisite production.Conqueror,Shock Front,Coma,Denogginizer and Sadist stand out . TORSION-Jackson’s private zoo(12” HYMEN 017).This 12’’ is a
reissue of material which had been recorded during 1995-96 from Mr.
J. N. Sellekaers (Xingu Hill) and Mr. Olivier Moreau(Imminent Starvation).
The LP side containing the information, includes 2 breakbeat tracks. We suggest that you listen to them upshifting your turntable’s pitch controller.The gem of the album lies on the other side; a very good techno experimentation that, besides the powerful kick, strongly recalls Imminent Starvation, a fact giving the track beneficial impacts. The 12’’ is ending with a short noiz experiment which I daresay lies there short of closing track. Conclusively, we could cite that this record without being something really “sui generis” remains a decent and fair effort. IMMINENT
STARVATION - Nord (CD AntZen Act89). The
second, complete work of Belgian Mr. Olivier Moreau aka Imminent Starvation,
following the devastating first CD, recorded on the same label and 3 vinyl
attempts(2 LPs on Hymen and a split 12’’with Synapscape on AntZen), hit us
with interest and expectation for something really good.
And of course one of the most mature and prominently sounding bands of the last years couldn’t disappoint us. The known characteristics of the multifarious drumming rising like wall in front of you and the divine ambient passing are THERE! The production is ultra well-looked-after and the spectrum of the tracks large since you can find from techno hymns (tentack one) to cruel breakbeats (parle) and some ambient drones too. There is also a remix of Lost Highway which might not be the best of it but this track remains one of the most high powered songs of the genre.
Finally, Nord is not coming off Human Dislocation (for personally reasons
probably) but we could say it can easily side as a sequence. Imminent Starvation
strengthen its place in our awareness as one of the greatest holdovers to the
genre to which ESPLENDOR GEOMETRICO gave birth 2 decades before, leading rhythm
noise, with his unique and stately way, even farther. EISENGRAU
- Documenta (BOXSET 220N).
This is a box set from 220N, subsidiary of HANDS, limited to300 copies,
including a 12’’ and a 7’’ recorded between 1997 & 1998,courtesy of
Belgians EISENGRAU. The sound is especially strong and tek-noisy but with a
clear obsession with
tumultuous situations. Some of the 12 tracks involve vocal brutalities, some
others focalizing on teknoise situations (Angelic,Yearn). The sound, analogic of
course, is totally dry and massive, surprising us with its power and production.
The vinyl’s weight is peculiar too.
Despite the fact of being kinda aberrational, EISENGRAU
represent one
of the most powerful situations we’ve heard recently.
- One (7’’, Possessive Blindfold Recordings pdr04).
Raul Rucka besides NOISEX is working on other projects (DKF, THORAX, ULTRA
INSTINCT, VIP). This 7’’represents (limited to 300 copies) a, recently
formed, project called V.I.P. aiming at freestyle noise, in collaboration with
other noise artists. Within this 7’’we also get the collaboration from
NOISEGUILD. ONE contains 2 parts, one on each side, of machinery, beats, noise
passing and distorted vocals influenced by freestyle impressions of course.
ONE recalls something from the beautiful ANDXESSION release without
reaching the context of experimentation of the above very strong project.
Consequently, we could say that this one is a good release for this weird
genre of noise that is more interesting hearing it live. P.A.L-Play
at 2.00am (12’’ Megahertz Records).
A recent release from P.A.L emerging clear tendencies towards break style,
something of course we ’re not used to it even if there were inclining of it
on his latest CD (AntZen act 63).Thus, P.A.L
changing again his style and
sound without missing power and quality elements characterizing his interesting
Including 4 tracks; GOOD FRIDAY 99’ and STEREOWEB rise from the
rank ;the first for its combination of ambient passages and break sounds, the
latter for his prominently strong and fast breakbeat sound. This edition is
limited to 1000 copies, issued from MHz label of the German-Italian duet of
AntZen act94).
More mature from his predecessor, having more techno extensions this
CD is the latest attempt-exploration of rhythm noise sound by Mr.
Patrick Stevens (x SONAR). It wouldn’t be unfair to cite this as the best act
of the “busybody” AntZen recently. Powerfully sounding, battering the
sensations and at the same time the ideological setting of which we have a short
reference inside the booklet (reminding us the situationists…) accomplish a
marvelous edition from all points of view. Miss Mieke M. (the wife of Patrick
Stevens) makes her presence noticeable and along with him they form TUNNEL from
whom we heard some noise from their recent 12’’on Hymen. Not a single track
comes behind, presenting break brilliancies (city beat) to rhythmic brainstorms
(push>eject>return) and even more integral attempts considering an
acoustic data aspect like down again. The whole CD remains harshly rhythmic
containing 16 tracks.
GENTUR-First Chapter (CD Hands DO11) . Another
CD moving towards rhythm noise paths, handed by MS GENTUR
production is superb and the sounds distinguishable while staying especially
noisy and sometimes the CD preserves intense groove elements (nataraja). We
could not avoid noticing some similarities between CONVERTER and MS GENTUR with
the first emphasizing on massive sound and the latter on the beat. The
whole project consists of 11 tracks while physis,final fantasy, desire,
nataraja, feindsender require a special mention.The whole album is moving through
powerful bounds and without doubt this amasterpiece of the genre. JOHN
HUDAK/DANIEL MENCHE-Husher(10’’ flenix flr01 limited 500).
The first release of the Japanese FLENIX owned by Mr. KOJI TANO(MSBR)
presents a collaboration between 2 notable of this kind of noise heading far
away from simpe noise soundscapes. The artists in question .TRANSCEND
SIDEWAYS/K.MIZUTANI(CD Artware Products artw.019).
CD issued by Japanese Mr. K.MIZUTANI just as he marks, is an expression of a way
of nativity in the land of TARIKI Buddhists.It consists of 4 tracks.The first
one,exceeding 19 minutes, is a noise experiment resembling to those of Mr.
MASAMI AKITA( aka MERZBOW) only here sounds are more delicate emphasizing on
high frequencies creating a strange sense about what exactly you hear.Of course
special thanks to D.MENCHE are not there accidentally.The second track reaching
11 minutes,is more ambient than previous, and you can hear voices on the
background sometimes
reversed.The third track ,almost 11 minutes , and the maybe the best of the CD,
contains a digital essay in which strange soundscapes edge into creating an
atmosphere similar to the first track. The fourth track recalls of noise jazz
mostly reaching 9:52 R&D2--DISINFORMATION
(CD Ash9.2).
CD issued by Mr. JOE BANKS begins from the ending track 8 of the previous
R&D,with track numbered 9.The CD contains 8 new tracks that
were recorded live from sound scapes unique for each track derived from radio
frequencies.The CD starts and ends with VLF overtones of 50hz Elf frequency
emitted from directional current. Inside the booklet are enclosed some
information about what we hear to every track.BANK’s work is extremely
interesting and represents a good guide to anyone who’s interested in
radio-frequency noises .
SONAR-Cosmic Rays (12’’ hymen 013).
The last attempt of Sonar ,with a different line up by half with ERIC VAN
WONTERGHEM ,owner of PRODAM studio in Belgium, replacing PATRICK
STEVENS(recently issued a CD as SONAREACT).Of course ,Mr. DIRK
IVENS remains on the line up. The sound is influenced by
MONOLITH that means the delicacy of sound on drones and ,the always good,
production holding the power of SONAR that we meet in older releases
The whole effort seems to be faster since this 12’’ according to the
demand of their inspirators has to be heard on 45 RPM.This record comprises of 4
tracks of which the homonymous seem to be the highlight. Thus, we ,surely, hear
something different from SONAR without leaving the influences of early
ESPLENDOR GEOMETRICO behind since the impacts of the fathers of the genre are
always there.
Takamagahara (CD OHM-JASSASIN REC. JAZZ013).
Japanese Mr. MASAMI AKITA on record as MERZBOW with his countless releases and
also his dynamic personality has rendered him as the man who made noise known to
the world fixation. And to this release the recipe is objective using
EMS,metallic instruments build from the man himself, contributing to a powerful
and a little bit infernal from the usual dose of
high feedback digital noise. The whole experiment , with clear-cut “jazz” extensions
since the electronic character “jazz” finds its implemantion through the
wide substance of noise, contains 3 tracks total duration of 53:20. |