Debord's noise
Guy Debord was born in 1931, in Paris. A revolutionary, provocative cinematographer, author of heretical marxist interpretations, conspiracy theory and libels, had been described by a commander of the Parisian police as the "most disturbing person in the 20th century". In 1950, met the avantgardist artists (- under the leadership of Isidor Isou) named Lettrists and became a Lettrist himself. Two years later ,founded, among other Lettrists ,the Lettrist International. LI. ,claimed ,like the Lettrists, that "letter", rather than word or sentence, is the fundamental constituent of human communication, edited the journal "Potlatch"and did provocative actions. In 1957,set up with other members of the LI the Situationist International. SI propagated the "construction of situations", the "superseding of art" ,the "realization of philosophy", the "worker's councils"... Situationist propaganda and provocative actions considered to have taken France to the brink of revolution in 1968. In 1967,published his classic "The Society of the Spectacle" believed the first subversive interpretation of Marx's theory. Like Marx, spent fifteen years to complete his most important work... In 1968,joined the May uprising. In 1971,met the rising cinema producer and owner of the Paris based editions "Champ Libre" called Gerard Lebovici (or "King Lebo" as Lebovici soon became known in the parisian circles of cinema) who became ,at once , his best friend , publisher of his books and producer of his films. In 1972 ,was the main suggester of the auto-dissolution of the SI because he intended to lay the foundation for a new, more sufficient form of revolutionary organization... In 1984,just after Lebo's mysterious assassination in Paris was accused by the French press for being responsible for his friend's death. He, then ,censored his own films in protest. In 1988, wrote his "Comments on the Society of the Spectacle" considered the most dynamic expression of conspiracy theory in the 20th century .In that work , Debord reveals conspiracy as the fundamental core of modern society. In 1990,was made a diagnosis of "polynevrite alcoholique" as a result of a long time heavy drinking In 1994,as "polynevrite alcoholique" became "really painful" committed suicide in his old farmhouse in Champot (Upper Loire, Auvergne), shooting himself in the heart. As an iron plaque placed on Pont Neuf informs as, his body was cremated and the ashes scattered into the Seine ,at the point of "Vert Galant" square in Paris. One considers this as echoing the title of his 1978 film, an ancient latin phrase which ,to be noted, reads the same forwards and backwards: IN GIRUM IMUS NOCTE ET CONSUMIMUR IGNI (WE GO AROUND IN CIRCLES IN THE NIGHT AND ARE CONSUMED BY FIRE). Rumor has it that Debord's writings, films, way of living have inspired many of the contemporary famous and not revolutionaries ,cinema directors ,singers ,sociologists ,novelists or even semeiologists. As Athenians use to say: "ο ερευνών αμοιφθήσεται", could be translated as "investigating persons (always) get a reward".... At last it should be explicitly stated that excitation project has nothing to do with all those who use Debord to make money, fame and all that, namely Alice Becker-Ho, Jean-Francois Martos, Giorgos-Icaros Babasakis, etc. |